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You Still Owe Me $13,000
Thankfully, this exact dollar amount never happened to me. From Andy Sloan Is Very Good at Music. Listen on Spotify
You’re Premenstrual
Presented in two versions: ballad and disco. Which is your favorite? Choose between our children! Watch the lip-synched music video too. Disclaimer: This is a satire of overearnestness, not an aspect of womanhood. In Carroll’s disco version, the French comes from a translation program, but it sure sounds like it’s coming from the heart.
Please Refrain
Tasked with writing in the Verse-Refrain song form, I knew I had to put “refrain” in the title. That led to the words of wisdom, “If you have nothing to say, please refrain.” From Andy Sloan Is Very Good at Music.
Talkin’ Dirty (Scoobyman Mix)
This song appears to be about dirty talk but in fact it is about being awkwardly mismatched with your partner, something I fortunately know nothing about! Matthew Peterson aka Abenomatto aka Scoobyman gave it polish, sheen, a guitar solo, and some enthusiastic backing vocals.
Twenty Minutes to Make Love
Structurally this song is a mess. You never know what’s coming next. But I think the narrative holds it together. From the forthcoming New Jack Swingerz
My Baby Caught Me Cheatin’ (But There Was No One Else Around)
I’m glad I don’t have to explain this one. Carroll’s ad libs at the end call to mind the furor over “Louie, Louie” owing to their inscrutability. From the forthcoming New Jack Swingerz.
Workin’ Up a Sweat
As a nightclub DJ and enthusiastic dancer, I was guilty of this on many occasions. This song takes a dance music cliché to its logical, steamy conclusion.
It Ain’t Easy Bein’ Sexy
…but it’s worth it. Presented here are the sample-heavy original version and the sample-free version that appears on Situation: Comedy! The sample-free version. Hopefully just as sexy.
Giant Gorilla
I do wonder how many people have bought a car solely because the dealership was flying a giant gorilla balloon. I imagine the number is quite high, but that many people won’t admit to it.